Monday, July 8, 2013

Dreams Really Do Come True

Well hello there!  Here it is, my attempt at blogging.  :)  What better thing to blog about than our home?!  Home is where the heart is...and my heart lives in a log home.  Ever since I was a little girl, I have always dreamed about living in a log cabin home.  I know, you are probably thinking "Really?  That's what you were dreaming about?".  Well, really I was!  I may not have always known what I wanted to be growing up (that's a whole other subject for another blog!), but I always knew that I wanted to live in a beautiful, rustic log home.
Almost 1 year ago (July 31st, 2012 to be exact), we closed on a property that had my childhood dream written all over it.  Our home sits on 3 acres of land with a pond and lots of woods in beautiful Northeast Ohio.  Initially, when I discovered the listing for our house my husband Kevin and I were in a slump searching for houses.  We could not find anything that fit what we were looking for in a home.  It was like fate that day in May!  Kevin was committed to finding a 2-story home with some LAND!  Me?  I just wanted a nice house that wasn't a split level (sorry to anyone who lives in one, it's just not my style and at the time that was all that was on the market).  Okay, so maybe I had a few more demands than just those 2 things ;)  There it was!  Could it be?! 

A LOG home with 3 acres of land on a private lot?!  I was ecstatic...but moved ahead with caution.  I couldn't help but ask myself, "What's the catch?".  Of course, Kevin and I decided to do a drive by first before calling our realtor.  We pulled up the driveway and couldn't believe our eyes...was this too good to be true?  As we walked around the porch and peeked in the windows, we knew that we had to get inside this house.  I called our realtor and scheduled a viewing.

We were IN!  I would be lieing if I said it was love at first sight.  Here was the was a bank owned property that had been sitting vacant for almost 2 years.  Needless to say, our soon to be home needed some TLC.  Kevin was actually more excited than I was the first time we made it inside the house.  I was pretty nervous about buying something that needed what looked to me like "a lot of work".  Looking back now, I realize that although we have and will continue to improve our home, it could have been much worse.  Thankfully, I have an amazingly handy husband who DOES NOT leave a project unfinished. 

That brings us to now!  One year in and we are ready to open our doors to let you see what we've been up to and will be up to.  I'm posting the photos that were included in the listing of our house.  A little introduction to the look and style of our home.  We hope you enjoy the journey as much as we have!

The living room
The fireplace in the living room (keep your eyes
on that fire wood holder!)

The living room has french doors that open
onto the back deck.
Downstairs bathroom...we're excited to show you
what we've done in here!
The Kitchen!  This is where I spend most of my
time :)  We made several changes in the kitchen
right away, so stay tuned.

Looking into the kitchen from the "dining area".
This is the view we wake up to every morning.
The front porch. 

The master bedroom.

The upstairs bathroom.

One of the guest bedrooms.


Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to chronicle your hard work. You and Kevin have done so much to make this a special place.

Log Home Living said...

I feel your excitement. We built our dream home 18 years ago .. and love it just as much now as we did back then .... the fun never ends when it comes to decorating a log home, especially at Christmas. I also have a Log Home blog that you can check out. Living the Log Home Dream ....

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for your comment! I have read your blog a lot and really enjoy it! Christmas is definitely my favorite time of year to decorate our log home and can't wait for many more years! I look forward to reading your blog!